
Long time no write, I had a baby, moved and fell into a depression. Other factors played into it but writing was a big one. Some would say getting a bad review hurts but what I think hurts more is when you send your book out to be reviewed and never getting a response back. That's what happened to me, one review, one who read it and responded, and no response or reviews left on Amazon from any others I had sent it to and I sent out many. Being autistic and ADHD doesn't help this because not hearing from anyone I sent my book to who said they would review it tells me many negative things. If they left a negative review, sure it would hurt but that would tell me they read it. Not responding to me and ghosting me hurt way worse to me.

Like many other writers there are services that offer a plan, you pay them an amount and they write a review on it. I can't find myself to trust anyone now whether I pay them or not because of those in the past who broke that trust for a free book that I have no idea if they read or not.

I started writing because I liked it and I wanted to share my stories with others. I welcomed both good and bad reviews. But now after years of giving away books and hearing nothing from the reviewers, I feel I have lost my desire to write again. Both the books I had planned to write after Charms have been sitting in my docs waiting to be continued and I don't know if they'll ever be finished. I'm crying now typing this because writing that I may not write anymore does hurt. In time I'll see if I do go back to those stories or if I just delete Charms and pretend it never happened and feel guilty about it after the time and effort I put into it that some thought I should have put into something else.

I'm lost and not sure what to do, what path do I take on this mountain I climb. I have sat long enough doing nothing, but I don't know what path to take forward.

Third Book In Progress

Long time no write, but I have a development that I’ve decided on. I’ve been having trouble writing the second book, Black Bird, of my series. Why you may ask? Because the third book, Sorceresses Ring, is taking up all my thought and won’t stop. So I made the choice to write the third book for now.

Sorceresses Ring is still going to be the third book, I don’t plan to change that at all. What I figured is that if I can write out the third book now and get it done then I can focus on the second book. I’m just writing it out I not going to edit or anything. It while be left raw until the second book is done and published, hopefully.

I have seen this done by some other fellow writers so I am going to give it a try and see if it works for me, so wish me luck.

About Marketing

Hey, long time no write.

So I just recently listened to a pod-caster, The Reluctant Book Marketer, and I was listening to one of his podcasts where you ask for your fame. The basis of it was you just have to ask people to buy your book.

The first thing that came to mind was what if I asked people to buy my book but I asked so many times they get annoyed and they never buy it. I got to talk to Jody, the guy who runs the podcast, and he gave me his personal experience trying to market his own podcast and also gave me some advice. 

This is from the message, "I guarantee you'll sell a minimum of two books per 100 asks. And that personal connection is a future book buyer. That might sound miserable, but you only have to make the effort once and you have a core of fans who spent money on you."

It definitely sounds miserable when you have also heard that there is a reduction of people actually reading. However I do understand what he's getting at. In order to do this I'm going to have to put aside some time to do it and get out of my comfort zone and start bugging people.

Who knows maybe this will get me out of my writer's block too for the second book, I'm still stuck on how to continue a chapter to the next.

At this point you and I will see how all this transpires, write to you next time.

The Unbelievable Believable book review

The Unbelievable Believable is a mix of poems that make you think and some will make you emotional. 'I'll Wait For You' and 'Hit and Run' caused a few years to form. 'Legacy' made me smile and think about it for a bit. Many more of these poems are a good read, I would recommend to others.

her is a link to the book I hope you enjoy it too.

March Update

Not much has happened since I last wrote here. When it comes to my writing I haven’t been pushing myself to write. I had a really good day on the 3rd where I almost got 2000 words, I was so proud of myself and happy with what I wrote. Then I got busy in other parts in my life and haven’t been writing until today where I got close to 800 words. I have a note in my notebook that reminds me to just get 500 words in and I would be okay but I’m proud of myself for putting more in. I kept the bar low so I would feel good about doing more but 500 words is still a good amount of words.

I haven’t been forcing myself to write for a few reasons but the main one is because I was in a block on how to continue the chapter. I gave myself enough time to get myself out and get a few other projects done as well. I also find my writing to not be as fun when I force it. I’m writing for myself and I want to enjoy it.

I do know I need to set a goal for myself and writing. So I figured that I would give myself a year to write the first draft of Black Bird. I started a while ago but know that things have calmed down I’m hoping I can stick to my goal.

Come on Brain

I go to the DMV to renew my license, as one does when they move to a new state, once I get my paper work done there is a wait. The first thing that pops into mind is, “Oh, I could write some.” I pull out my phone and get to work, it’s slow but I got words in. Then I get called and put my phone away.

Done with the DMV, grocery shopping, feeding my son, then I think I can try writing. I get my laptop out and my son is curious like any normal one year old. He tries to see what I’m doing I distract him with one of his fav movies. Then I get hungry so I make a light snack, putting my laptop on the fold out table in my couch. I come back to my laptop with my son is standing on the key pad. I pull him off but of course my laptop is messed up, but thank god my document is fine just some weird typed in words by baby feet. I put my laptop away, wait for my son to wear himself out, and put him down for his nap.

Takes me I don’t know how long I got trapped by Facebook reels to realize I could be writing now. I get the laptop out and try to write but I am distracted by more snacks, thinking of supper, a new way to write the story, and a rubber band. All I am thinking now as I write this is, “F***ing good grief, work with me brain, come on.”

Any other writers know the struggle? Tell me.

New Idea for My Second Book

It’s been a while. Quick update on why I’ve been on hiatus. We bought a house and my ADHD hyper focus has been on remodeling and redesigning the house, and now that I quit my job, we are moving from Kansas to Nebraska so it was now or later, I have more time to work on the house to try and get it done faster. Now moving on to the reason I am blogging.

Last night my brain wouldn’t allowing me to sleep. My ADHD train of thought passed many stations all in a matter of seconds, but one stood out. I was thinking about the second book, specifically how I have written werewolves in my story. Then it hit me, a new dirrection for the story. I have taken time away from the story because I was having a difficult time with the plot. I started with one but it didn’t sit right with me. While I was writing and slowly changing it and I thought I had something but I still wasn’t satisfied with the plot. So just a random thought after not touching the story for months I have a plot I am starting to like. I tried to think about it for month but It became a passing thought to something else.

Taking time away from a troubled plot does help, you never know when it will come and if you force it, it’s no good. Don’t think about it, do something to keep your mind from it, and at some point something will come along and you’ll finally get the plot you want.

I’m glad I waited, and once I get the house done I will be going back to writing.

January Update and Apology

Forgive me for my long absence, being pregnant takes so much out of you, at least for me. I have tried to write during and after, but life chose my path at the time. I had to shift my focus on something else for a while. Now that my son has been born I am trying harder to write more when I can. Thanks to breastfeedings I have nothing else to do while I'm stuck in one spot. I will say it is still difficult when you're sleep deprived.

I've got quite a few obstacles to conquer if I want to publish the second book, but I'm up for the challenge. It just might be slower than the first. I appreciate those of you who follow my blog and I apologise for my absence again.

For now I might just update my blog when I can to give me more time with my family and newborn, I'll also be writing in my book too.