About Marketing

Hey, long time no write.

So I just recently listened to a pod-caster, The Reluctant Book Marketer, and I was listening to one of his podcasts where you ask for your fame. The basis of it was you just have to ask people to buy your book.

The first thing that came to mind was what if I asked people to buy my book but I asked so many times they get annoyed and they never buy it. I got to talk to Jody, the guy who runs the podcast, and he gave me his personal experience trying to market his own podcast and also gave me some advice. 

This is from the message, "I guarantee you'll sell a minimum of two books per 100 asks. And that personal connection is a future book buyer. That might sound miserable, but you only have to make the effort once and you have a core of fans who spent money on you."

It definitely sounds miserable when you have also heard that there is a reduction of people actually reading. However I do understand what he's getting at. In order to do this I'm going to have to put aside some time to do it and get out of my comfort zone and start bugging people.

Who knows maybe this will get me out of my writer's block too for the second book, I'm still stuck on how to continue a chapter to the next.

At this point you and I will see how all this transpires, write to you next time.

March Update

Not much has happened since I last wrote here. When it comes to my writing I haven’t been pushing myself to write. I had a really good day on the 3rd where I almost got 2000 words, I was so proud of myself and happy with what I wrote. Then I got busy in other parts in my life and haven’t been writing until today where I got close to 800 words. I have a note in my notebook that reminds me to just get 500 words in and I would be okay but I’m proud of myself for putting more in. I kept the bar low so I would feel good about doing more but 500 words is still a good amount of words.

I haven’t been forcing myself to write for a few reasons but the main one is because I was in a block on how to continue the chapter. I gave myself enough time to get myself out and get a few other projects done as well. I also find my writing to not be as fun when I force it. I’m writing for myself and I want to enjoy it.

I do know I need to set a goal for myself and writing. So I figured that I would give myself a year to write the first draft of Black Bird. I started a while ago but know that things have calmed down I’m hoping I can stick to my goal.

Come on Brain

I go to the DMV to renew my license, as one does when they move to a new state, once I get my paper work done there is a wait. The first thing that pops into mind is, “Oh, I could write some.” I pull out my phone and get to work, it’s slow but I got words in. Then I get called and put my phone away.

Done with the DMV, grocery shopping, feeding my son, then I think I can try writing. I get my laptop out and my son is curious like any normal one year old. He tries to see what I’m doing I distract him with one of his fav movies. Then I get hungry so I make a light snack, putting my laptop on the fold out table in my couch. I come back to my laptop with my son is standing on the key pad. I pull him off but of course my laptop is messed up, but thank god my document is fine just some weird typed in words by baby feet. I put my laptop away, wait for my son to wear himself out, and put him down for his nap.

Takes me I don’t know how long I got trapped by Facebook reels to realize I could be writing now. I get the laptop out and try to write but I am distracted by more snacks, thinking of supper, a new way to write the story, and a rubber band. All I am thinking now as I write this is, “F***ing good grief, work with me brain, come on.”

Any other writers know the struggle? Tell me.