March and April Week 29-4 Update

So I got the second editor to look at my book and she finished sometime this week and now I’m on my final self edit. This last editor was different from my first. My first one was nice and super helpful. The second one was helpful but she was more critical of my book than anyone who has read it. I thought it was good to have someone who seemed to hate it. I have looked at it a bit different from before. I made a few changes to my story because of it. Nothing really major in my opinion but some characters have added personalities. 

After the second editor, I will admit that it felt like my story wasn’t good enough. Each time I read her comments, she would put her own opinions on how the story should go. I felt so frustrated when reading the comments and defeated at the same time. I had to talk to a fellow writer about how I felt because they would be the only one to understand critical editors. You just have to take it with a grain of salt and take the ones meant to help and ignore the ones that don’t. 

Finding the right editor for you is hard, but when you do find them I say it’s good to have two that have different perspectives on your book. One who likes it and one who doesn’t. After this round, I feel my book is better.

What experiences have you had with an editor? I want to hear it.