So it has been a while and here’s what’s up. I have been writing some in the second book and thinking about what to write. I never liked to force myself to write because what comes out of it is never really good in my opinion. When I was writing Charms I was thinking about scenes for it all the time and then I would go home and write them. For Black Bird I haven't really. The reason why I think is because I want to write the third book more than the second but I feel that is a bit unfair to the second. I’ve been writing a few things down for the third one but I've been writing some in the second book too. I find it hard to do both so the third one is just notes but I've been thinking that if I started writing the third one I would get it out of my head and then I could write the second one and get it ready to publish. Once Black Bird is published then I could go back to the third book and work on it. Publishing dates would be closer between the second and third but maybe that is what I need to do.
Another reason why the second one is going so slow is also the fact I have a new baby who is an attention hog. He’ll be six months and is on the move and trying new things as babies do but he is also demanding. It takes me a day to write close to one thousand words along with regular house chores and helping my daughter with her summer activities and helping her fight her boredom. I’m not working due to summer vacation but I have my work cut out for me with two kids. Whoever says being a mom isn’t a hard job, I don’t want to hear it. My family has also been going on small trips so that contributes to the slow writing but family time is important to me.
I'll let you know what I decide on the books later on. I might be farther into writing, I hope, so it could be another few months the next time I post. Wish me luck.